Atrium of the Physics Department of Moscow State University

Moscow, Lomonosovsky prospect




Concept design

A.R. Asadov, A.A. Asadov, S.Sobolev, V. Ivanova

3 000 sq.m.

In the center of the white glass space is a wooden amphitheater formed by multi—level wooden modules. It is both a functional area and an art object. The dominant feature of the composition is the “tree of knowledge” in the center.

The “Endless Staircase” suggests philosophical reflections that everything is interconnected and cyclical, and sometimes it’s worth going back to the beginning to catch the essence.

There are different types of seats in the amphitheater: regular seats and places for tables, comfortably zoned with greenery. Wooden modules are mobile.

The idea of the amphitheater structure extends to the entire atrium space.

Cubic wooden platforms placed forward with the help of wooden supports are located around the central zone at different levels.

In front of the amphitheater there is a panoramic elevator, completely made of glass, so that it dissolves into space.

A glass lantern covers the space. Vertical tubular lamps are attached to its nodal points of the structure.

The contrasting combination of white background color, wooden modules and an abundance of greenery creates a futuristic image of the atrium.

Did you want to enroll in the physics department of Moscow State University in order to study in such an environment?

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Atrium of the Physics Department of Moscow State University

Moscow, Lomonosovsky prospect
Concept design
A.R. Asadov, A.A. Asadov, S.Sobolev, V. Ivanova
3 000 sq.m.

In the center of the white glass space is a wooden amphitheater formed by multi—level wooden modules. It is both a functional area and an art object. The dominant feature of the composition is the “tree of knowledge” in the center.

The “Endless Staircase” suggests philosophical reflections that everything is interconnected and cyclical, and sometimes it’s worth going back to the beginning to catch the essence.

There are different types of seats in the amphitheater: regular seats and places for tables, comfortably zoned with greenery. Wooden modules are mobile.

The idea of the amphitheater structure extends to the entire atrium space.

Cubic wooden platforms placed forward with the help of wooden supports are located around the central zone at different levels.

In front of the amphitheater there is a panoramic elevator, completely made of glass, so that it dissolves into space.

A glass lantern covers the space. Vertical tubular lamps are attached to its nodal points of the structure.

The contrasting combination of white background color, wooden modules and an abundance of greenery creates a futuristic image of the atrium.

Did you want to enroll in the physics department of Moscow State University in order to study in such an environment?

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