Peshkograd is: The first pedestrian city where there is no road transport, where people move, mainly on foot, on a bicycle or an electric car. The first city with climate control of most of the city’s territory is a scalable model for protecting urban entities from world disasters: fires, floods, global warming. The city is a network created at the expense of social networks, living and developing thanks to them. Some of the city’s residents – representatives of numerous social groups, creating and monetizing narrow and multi-profile content that use urban areas as a platform for events and activities of online communities.
The city of generations, a place for comfortable, interesting and safe living of elderly people, together with representatives of a young, active generation, the territory of social cooperation and mutual assistance. The city-museum, the territory, where interesting objects of architecture are represented, including landscape, achievements of new technologies, various art objects, enterprises of creative industries, centers of numerous festivals and exhibitions. Garden City, in which a unique natural beauty complex is created, including a network of canals, greenhouses, arboretums, botanical gardens and biomes – single natural formations representing different climatic zones. A city-factory of cities, a single office space provided to central, remote and back-offices of companies specializing in the development, planning and creation of new urban sustainable spaces, the design and manufacture of turnkey mini-cities of a new type with a ready modular residential, Social, production and service infrastructure.